Expert advice sought on European green crab and Chinese mitten crab
Completing the survey should take just a few minutes of your time. DFO has recently completed biological synopses (extensive literature reviews) on green crab and mitten crab and you can access the citations and URLs for these by clicking on the survey. They will be summarizing the results of the survey in early January, and the risk assessments will be reviewed at a meeting to be held in Montreal in February.
You can reply directly to Andrea Locke at LockeA@DFO-MPO.gc.ca
Hawaii Adopts Ballast Water Regulations
The new administrative rules require qualifying vessels to: 1) have a ballast water management plan specifically for that vessel, 2) conduct a mid-ocean ballast water exchange or retain all ballast water on board, and 3) file a ballast water reporting form with the DLNR no later than 24 hours prior to arrival. The data obtained from the ballast water reporting forms submitted by the qualifying vessels will enable the State to make better assessments of the potential risk that an incoming vessel might contain alien species in its ballast water holds. DLNR will be monitoring ballast water reports for submission and compliance.
For more information about the new ballast water rules go to www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dar or contact Jason Leonard at the Division of Aquatic Resources at 587-0113 or via e-mail at Jason.C.Leonard@hawaii.gov.
Great Ships Initiative 2008 Season
Marine Industry unites to reduce AIS, other environmental impacts
Green Marine was founded by seven marine industry associations in Canada and the United States who decided to further reduce their “environmental footprint” by taking action around six major issues specific to their operations: aquatic invasive species, pollutant air emissions, greenhouse gases, cargo residues, oily water, and conflicts of use in port and terminals (noise, dust, odors, and light). This program covering the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes corridor is the first of its kind in North America. Program participants already include over 25 leaders representing the bulk of marine operations in this corridor. The program also has a newsletter.
Vessel Fouling Bill (AB 740) passes
Invaders from the Sea wins top award
Invaders from the Sea shows how harmful organisms transported in ballast water by ships have devastated biological and economic resources in many areas around the world, largely due to expanded maritime trade and traffic volume over the last few decades. The film captures the dramatic impact of this issue on the lives of millions of people, using examples of three harmful organisms, which have been transported to new areas in ships’ ballast water: the North American comb jelly, the Golden mussel (Limnoperma fortunei) and toxic algae (aka red tides and harmful algal blooms).
The film also highlights the progress made by IMO and the maritime industry in addressing this issue and the measures that can be taken to prevent the spread of harmful organisms. In addition to the IMO’s International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, IMO is executing the Global Ballast Water Management Project to assist developing countries in reducing the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships’ ballast water.
The IMO documentary features some of the solutions to preventing the spread of invasive species in ships’ ballast water, including exchange of ballast water on the high seas and new technologies that are under development, such as flow-through systems to exchange ballast water continuously while the ship is sailing and methods to kill or render inactive microscopic life forms by, for example, using ozone or ultraviolet light.
Invaders from the Sea is now available from IMO Publishing at: http://vp.imo.org/shop/v020e
For more information, please visit: http://www.imo.org/Newsroom/mainframe.asp?topic_id=1472&doc_id=7970
New Zealand releases new procedures for vessel inspections
Senate Panel approves Ballast Bill (S 1578)
The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved a bill by voice vote that would set national standards for ballast water in an attempt to prevent invasive species from entering U.S. waters. During markup of the Ballast Water Management Act of 2007 (S. 1578), Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) agreed to continue discussions with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) to resolve the issue of which federal agency should have lead authority over ballast water. As it stands now, the bill would direct the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other agencies, to set the standards. Boxer, who chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said she opposes the bill as written because it would prevent states from imposing tougher ballast water treatment requirements and preempt the EPA from regulating ballast water discharges under the Clean Water Act. The bill still has a long way to go, however, before full passage through Congress.
NOAA reports on ballast water exchange
These studies indicate reductions in the risk of invasive species introductions as a result of ballast water exchange. The analysis provides further confidence that overall, there has been a decline in the risk of invasion from ballast water in these regions. In addition, the report addresses a potential gap in the coastal ballast management protection framework where ships traveling less than 200 miles from the U.S. coast are not covered.
The report suggests that a standardized survey program, targeting key coastal ecosystems in the U.S., could provide the high-quality data necessary to (a) assess current invasion risk and (b) measure the performance of multiple management actions, including those of ships and other transfer mechanisms, in terms of invasion occurrence. No such program currently exists.
View the original article here; the full report (TM-142) is available here.9/24/07
Workshop on Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas posted
The Proceedings of the Pacific Ballast Water Group's Workshop on Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Physical and Biological Oceanographic Considerations has been posted at http://www.psmfc.org/ballast/past_meetings.html. (Other PBWG Meeting presentations can be found there as well).
New Issue of the Aquatic Invasions Journal (free access)
National Park Services Bans Ballast Water Discharges in Isle Royale NP
Boaters and commercial shippers will be prohibited from emptying ballast tanks within Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior unless the ballast water is treated to kill invasive species, officials in Michigan said Monday, September 17. Aside from recreational boaters, the new rule will mostly affect Canadian and other foreign freighters calling at the port of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The emergency regulation is designed to protect the park's fish populations from a deadly virus spreading rapidly across the other Great Lakes, Phyllis Green, superintendent of Isle Royale. Viral hemorrhagic septicemia, or VHS, is among many exotic species that scientists believe have been scooped into ships' ballast tanks in foreign ports, then discharged into the Great Lakes. VHS has not shown up in Lake Superior, but has caused large die-offs of popular game species such as walleye, northern pike and yellow perch in the other lakes and some inland waterways.
The rule will affect Canadian and other commercial ships because the shipping lane between Thunder Bay and the Soo Locks, gateway to Lake Superior, runs through Isle Royale waters, Green said. Nearly all those ships are Canadian or based in other foreign countries, said Glen Nekvasil, spokesman for the Lake Carriers Association, which represents U.S.-flagged freighters that remain inside the Great Lakes system.
Green said lake trout around Isle Royale were especially vulnerable, especially this time of year, when they are congregating to spawn and can spread disease quickly between them. Her order, which takes effect Tuesday, September 18, covers a 684-square-mile (1,772-square- kilometer) area, including 475 square miles (1,230-square-kilometers) of waters within park jurisdiction. Isle Royale is in northwestern Lake Superior.
Fore more info, visit The International Herald Tribune or The Mining Gazette.
IMO Committee grants treatment technology approval
The IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) granted both Basic and Final Approval for the PureBallast system submitted by Sweden and Norway, and granted Basic Approval to the NK system submitted by the Republic of Korea.
For more IMO and USCG news, see the Environmental Standards Update archive.
Identifying, Verifying and Establishing Options for Best Management Practices for No Ballast on Board Vessels Final Report released
A “Code of Best Practices for Ballast Water Management” was adopted by the Shipping Federation of Canada and the (U.S.) Lake Carrier's Association in 2000. In 2002 the St. Lawrence Seaway corporations adopted rules making compliance with the Code mandatory for entry into the Seaway. The Code promotes the maintenance of relatively clean ballast tanks through a program of regular inspection and cleaning, combined with a precautionary approach to ballasting with the objective of limiting or avoiding the uptake of ballast under specified conditions. However, there has never been an assessment of the extent to which commercially operating ships can realistically apply these practices or the effectiveness of the stated practices for reducing the risk of new species introductions.
A group of researchers therefore conducted a scientific study to 1) test and evaluate the effectiveness of the current Best Management Practices (BMPs), focusing on a subset that are specifically applicable to ballast management for reduction of invasion risk associated with empty ballast tanks on ships entering the Great Lakes with no pumpable ballast-on-board (NOBOB), and 2) test a set of enhancements to the existing BMPs, focusing on flushing of tanks with deep ocean water, either when the ship is in NOBOB condition or as an intermediate step in deep ocean exchange. In particular, they wanted to examine whether BMPs are effective at reducing the abundance and viability of live organisms and resting stages.
They concluded that current rules for minimizing AIS entry into the Great Lakes are not adequate; the study recommends that ships be required to rinse their ballast tanks with deep-ocean water before entering the St. Lawrence Seaway. The practice, referred to as "salt water flushing" is an inexpensive alternative that would likely help while other approaches for sanitizing ballast water, such as chemicals, heat, ozone, and UV radiation are being explored.
Washington State Updates Ballast Water Law
WAC 220-77-090 Ballast water management and control:
- Section (1) Meet RCW 77.120.020(1)(b) that now requires all vessels to report.
- Section (4) Vessels no longer need to file an Interim Ballast Water Management Report Form. Delete entire section as expired on July 1, 2006.
- NEW SECTION (4) Define safety exemption filing conditions and requirements.
- NEW SECTION (5) Define safety exemption review protocols to determine if warranted and if compliance plans or alternative strategies are necessary. Define safety exemption fee and guidance for assessment up to $5,000.
- NEW SECTION (6) Define civil penalty assessment criteria up to $27,500/day (old penalty: $5000/day).
- Sections (2) & (3) Change interim ballast water treatment system application and approval process for use in waters of the state. Department has determined that current process is not within fiscal year 2007-09 funding and management capacity.
Debate surrounding ballast water bill (S 1578) in Senate
The bill was removed from the agenda prior to the August recess due to ongoing questions related to whether the bill should preserve the possible application of the Clean Water Act to discharges of invasive species from ships. In September 2006, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California vacated a long-standing EPA regulation that exempted discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels from NPDES permitting requirement. This ruling, which EPA is appealing, applies to vessel discharges that are currently exempted, such as ballast water, sewage, gray water, and bilge water. This court ruling could mean that the states would be required to regulate such discharges from all ships operating in U.S. waters, which EPA estimates as 13 million recreational boats, 81,000 commercial fishing vessels, and 53,000 freight and tank barges.
The Senate bill (S. 1578) intends to uniformly manage ballast water to minimize the discharge of invasive species. Shipping interests have expressed concern that regulating such discharges through the NPDES permit program would be problematic, and that vessel discharges would be subject to numerous and potentially conflicting state and federal regulatory approaches. Some environmental groups and States have opposed the bill because they want ballast water to be regulated under the Clean Water Act. To receive a copy of a memo from the Congressional Research Service regarding potential impacts to states, please contact Kate Zultner (kzultner@coastalstates.org).
New Treatment Technology Report Out
Please contact either Gill Reynolds or Nicholas Brown for a copy of the Guide:
Nicholas A K Brown
Marine Communications Manager
Lloyd's Register Marine Business
+44 (0)20 7423 1706
Dr. Gillian Reynolds
Environmental Manager
Research & Development
+44 (0) 7423 1854
Ohio introduces ballast bill similar to Michigan's
Granholm Calls on Great Lakes Governors, Canadian Premiers for Regional Action on Ballast Water
For more questions, contact Liz Boyd, 517-335-6397
Suit against Michigan dismissed, opening door for states aiming to protect Great Lakes
A federal court judge dismissed a lawsuit by nine shipping companies and associations that had hoped to overturn a Michigan law requiring oceangoing ships to sanitize their ballast water to prevent the introduction of invasive species. U.S. District Judge John Feikens ruled Wednesday, August 15,207 that Michigan's law is constitutional. For the complete story, visit: http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=648445
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy sues state over ballast regulations
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been sued for allegedly failing to take action to protect Lake Superior and other state waters from a deadly fish virus.
The lawsuit filed in Ramsey County District Court seeks to force the state to prohibit Great Lakes freighters from dumping untreated ballast water into Duluth Harbor and other ports.
The Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy claims in the lawsuit that ballast water contains fish wastes, fish reproductive materials and infected fish that can spread the virus - viral hemorrhagic septicemia - which kills fish by severe hemorrhaging. The virus has infected fish in all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior and has killed large numbers of more than a dozen species, including such popular game fish as walleye, muskellunge, smallmouth bass, northern pike, yellow perch and black crappies.
The lawsuit contends that in addition to the Great Lakes, many of Minnesota's interior lakes and waters are also at risk. The MPCA said national regulations rather than separate state laws would be a more effective way to regulate ships' wastes. Commissioner Brad Moore said the agency is "doing essential research and analysis" on state rules in case federal authorities don't act.
"We acknowledge that there has to be a national or international solution eventually since ships are travelling all over," said Kevin Reuther, lawyer for the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy. "But Minnesota needs to be a leader, not a follower, especially since Lake Superior isn't infested yet."
Congressional Summary on Ballast Water Management released
IMO adopts new ballast guidelines
A primary task before this session was to complete Ballast Water Management Convention assessment. The committee agreed ships built on or after Jan. 1, 2009, must comply with the Convention when traveling to, or within the jurisdictional waters of, states that have ratified it.
The extent of retroactivity of the compliance date for ships flying the flag of non-signatory states remains unknown. Several states (including Norway, Japan, and the United States) disagreed with the above view.
With no agreed position on the extent of retroactivity and without any approved technologies available, the proper course of action for the industry to take is not clear at all. It is important to note that this Convention does not alleviate a yacht from complying with the existing ballast water regulations already in place and heavily enforced in the United States and Brazil.
Antarctic ballast waters exchange
The Committee adopted guidelines providing common guidance for vessels undertaking ballast water exchange in Antarctic waters. They call for ballast that will be discharged in Antarctic waters to first be exchanged before arrival in Antarctic waters (preferably north of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone or 60 degrees S, whichever is the farthest north) and at least 200 nm from the nearest land in water at least 200 m deep. If this is not operationally possible, such exchange should be undertaken in waters at least 50 nm from land in water at least 200 m deep.
Only tanks discharged in Antarctic waters would need to undergo exchange. Ballast water taken onboard from Antarctic waters that is intended to be discharged in Arctic, sub-Arctic, or sub-Antarctic waters should be exchanged north of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, and at least 200 nm from the nearest land in water at least 200 m deep. Vessels that have spent significant time in the Arctic should discharge ballast water sediment and clean tanks before entering Antarctic waters (south of 60 degrees S).
Eurasian milfoil responsible for drowning
EPA Looks for Comments on their new document, “Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Invasive Species and Implications for Management and Research”
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a 30-day public comment period for the draft document, "Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Invasive Species and Implications for Management and Research'' (EPA/600/R-07/084); Technical comments should be in writing and must be received by EPA by September 10, 2007.
The draft "Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Invasive Species and Implications for Management and Research'' can be downloaded here. Comments may be submitted electronically via http://www.regulations.gov, by mail, by facsimile, or by hand delivery/courier. “To view the Call for Comments,” or more contact information, click here.
For information on the public comment period, contact the Office of Environmental Information Docket; telephone: 202-566-1752; facsimile: 202-566-1753; or e-mail: ORD.Docket@epa.gov. For technical information, contact Britta Bierwagen, NCEA, telephone: 202-564-3388; facsimile: 202-565-0061; or e-mail: bierwagen.britta@epa.gov.
NPR Story: "California Struggles to Protect Waters from Aquatic Invaders"
Since the Gold Rush,
"Communicating Science to the Public and Media" Workshop on August 20 & 21
This FREE workshop will provide the opportunity to engage with communications specialists to discuss the challenges of communicating ocean science. This two-day workshop will present methods to shape science messages, offer traditional and new media exercises, and presentations from a panel of media representatives who cover the science beat.
For more information, email Columbine Culberg at columbine.culberg@noaa.gov, or call (805) 963-3238 x10. More info can also be found in our "Calendar" section.
AIS/Hull Fouling Workshop on August 18
AIS/Hull Fouling Workshop on August 18
For more information on this free workshop in
Great Ships Initiative Opens First Solicitation
The Great Ships Initiative (GSI) has released a Prototype Solicitation offering preliminary research services to qualified developers of treatment systems designed to minimize the presence of live organisms - including microbes and viruses - in ballast water discharge from ships. Applications are due by August 6, 2007. The estimated start date for work is September 17, 2007.
The GSI is a collaborative effort to end the problem of ship-mediated invasive species in the GLSLSS through independent research and demonstration of environmental technology, financial incentives and consistent basin-wide harbor monitoring. To that end, the GSI offers integrated research facilities and services to support development of effective and commercially viable ballast treatment systems.
Comments Needed on Coastal Management Future
The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), in partnership with the Coastal States Organization, has begun an effort to envision the future of coastal management under the Coastal Zone Management Act to develop a set of core principles and specific options to consider in drafting a proposal for reauthorizing the Coastal Zone Management Act. For additional information or to submit comments, please visit their website.