
Expert advice sought on European green crab and Chinese mitten crab

The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is asking for assistance in evaluating the dispersal vectors and impacts of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas, and the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is conducting assessments of the risks posed by these two crab species in Canadian waters. Part of the invasive species risk assessment process that has been adopted by DFO's Centre of Expertise in Aquatic Risk Assessment is an expert opinion survey to identify important vectors and impacts of the species, worldwide. They would appreciate your opinions on one or both of these two crab species, by taking the survey at this link:


Completing the survey should take just a few minutes of your time. DFO has recently completed biological synopses (extensive literature reviews) on green crab and mitten crab and you can access the citations and URLs for these by clicking on the survey. They will be summarizing the results of the survey in early January, and the risk assessments will be reviewed at a meeting to be held in Montreal in February.

You can reply directly to Andrea Locke at LockeA@DFO-MPO.gc.ca


Hawaii Adopts Ballast Water Regulations

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has adopted administrative rules to manage ballast water discharge from vessels operating in Hawai'i waters, the DLNR said.

The new administrative rules require qualifying vessels to: 1) have a ballast water management plan specifically for that vessel, 2) conduct a mid-ocean ballast water exchange or retain all ballast water on board, and 3) file a ballast water reporting form with the DLNR no later than 24 hours prior to arrival. The data obtained from the ballast water reporting forms submitted by the qualifying vessels will enable the State to make better assessments of the potential risk that an incoming vessel might contain alien species in its ballast water holds. DLNR will be monitoring ballast water reports for submission and compliance.

For more information about the new ballast water rules go to www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dar or contact Jason Leonard at the Division of Aquatic Resources at 587-0113 or via e-mail at Jason.C.Leonard@hawaii.gov.

Great Ships Initiative 2008 Season

The Great Ships Initiative -- a collaborative effort to end ship-mediated invasive species introductions in the Great Lakes, managed by the Northeast-Midwest Institute -- opened its solicitation for applicants for ballast treatment testing in 2008. Any developer of a promising ballast treatment system is invited to apply for GSI research services, some or all of which may be provided by the GSI free of charge. The research services range from bench-scale testing to full-scale testing in a shore-based facility and on board ships. Contact Allegra Cangelosi at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.