Expert advice sought on European green crab and Chinese mitten crab
Completing the survey should take just a few minutes of your time. DFO has recently completed biological synopses (extensive literature reviews) on green crab and mitten crab and you can access the citations and URLs for these by clicking on the survey. They will be summarizing the results of the survey in early January, and the risk assessments will be reviewed at a meeting to be held in Montreal in February.
You can reply directly to Andrea Locke at LockeA@DFO-MPO.gc.ca
Hawaii Adopts Ballast Water Regulations
The new administrative rules require qualifying vessels to: 1) have a ballast water management plan specifically for that vessel, 2) conduct a mid-ocean ballast water exchange or retain all ballast water on board, and 3) file a ballast water reporting form with the DLNR no later than 24 hours prior to arrival. The data obtained from the ballast water reporting forms submitted by the qualifying vessels will enable the State to make better assessments of the potential risk that an incoming vessel might contain alien species in its ballast water holds. DLNR will be monitoring ballast water reports for submission and compliance.
For more information about the new ballast water rules go to www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dar or contact Jason Leonard at the Division of Aquatic Resources at 587-0113 or via e-mail at Jason.C.Leonard@hawaii.gov.